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What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental disorder in which emotion is characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.

Anxiety can be normal in stressful situation such as taking a test or speaking in public. Anxiety is indicator of underlying disease when feelings become excessive, all-consuming and interfere in daily living.

Anxiety is strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities.

There are several varieties of anxiety disorders:

Generalized anxiety disorder – feeling of unrealistic excessive tension and worry with little or no reason.

Panic disorder – sudden, intense fear feeling that brings panic attack. Person may sweat, have palpitations (pounding heartbeat), sometimes chocking feeling or having a heart attack.

Phobias, specific phobia – intense fear of specific situation or object such as water, heights or flying.

Social anxiety disorder – also known as social phobia. In about everyday social situation feeling of overwhelming worry and self consciousness ,obsess worry about other judging you or embarrassing.

Separation anxiety disorder – anyone can get separation anxiety. Feeling of anxious or fearful when a person you are close with leaves your sight thinking something bad may happen to your loved one.

Medication induced anxiety disorder – using of certain medication or illegal drugs and sudden discontinuation of it stimulates symptoms of anxiety disorder.


The symptoms of anxiety includes:

  • Excessive fear and worry
  • Fear, panic and uneasiness
  • Feeling of danger
  • No calmness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Cold hands, sweating, numbness or tingling of hands or feet
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Thinking about problem again and again and not able to stop thinking
  • Intense or obsess in avoiding feared objects and places

 Does homeopathy treats anxiety?

Homeopathy system of medicine can treat anxiety. Homeopathy has excellent scope in the treatment of anxiety in gentle, safe and effective manner. Homeopathic medicines acts very deeply to the psychological level which leads to recovery of anxiety.

Homeopathy is the science of vital dynamics. In homeopathy for the cure of the disease it is important to know the cause of disease, by means of which the maintaining cause, exciting cause and obstacle to cure can be removed which will lead healthy life to patient with the restoration of physical as well as mental health.

 The medicines in homeopathy is selected after complete analysis of case which includes patient mentals, physicals constitution, past history, family history, and medical history of the patient. Homeopathy can reduce symptoms of anxiety as a natural holistic therapy. The natural remedies which are potentized can cure natural disease on the basis of similar symptoms by individualization and  totality of symptom that is the sum total of mental, physical and general symptoms of the patient.

Duration of homeopathic treatment

By starting homeopathic treatment the patient starts recovering in around five months. Moreover, the time period of the treatment depends on the duration of suffering of the anxiety and its intensity and the external atmosphere of the patient suffering from anxiety.

Homeopathic treatment with psychotherapy will be more effective.


The causes of anxiety are:

  • Genetics
  • Chemistry of brain
  • Environmental stress
  • Medical condition
  • Drug discontinuation or misuse

The people who are at more risk to develop anxiety are

  • History of mental health disorder
  • Trauma
  • Negative life events
  • Substance abuse
  • Childhood sexuality abuse
  • Severe health problems
  • Being shy as a child
  • Low self esteem

Conventional treatment

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antipsychotics
  • Buspirone
  • Psychotherapy

Homeopathic medicines for anxiety are

  • Argentum nitricum
  • Argentum metallicum
  • Silica
  • Lycopodium clavatum
  • Thuja occidentalis
  • Syphilinum