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What is tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of pharyngeal tonsils, the two oval shaped pads of tissue at the back of throat. Sometimes along with tonsils adenoid are also swollen. Tonsillitis is also known as pharyngitis.

The onset of tonsillitis is sudden. Some patients may suffer from recurrent acute episodes of tonsillitis while other patient may suffer for long time i.e chronic tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis is contagious for 24 to 48 hours after developing symptoms.


The symptoms of tonsillitis are :

  • Red, swollen tonsils
  • White or yellow coated tongue
  • White or yellow patches on tonsils
  • Sore throat
  • Enlarged lymphnodes of neck with tenderness
  • Difficult or painful swallowing
  • Bad breath
  • Stiffness in neck or pain in neck
  • Refusal to eat
  • Laryngitis or impaired voice
  • Fever, Fatigue, malaise
  • Nasal congestion

Does homeopathy have medicines for tonsillitis?

As tonsillitis is commonly seen in childrens, homeopathy is very safe in the treatment of tonsillitis. Homeopathy gives the best treatment in case of both acute and chronic tonsillitis.

As the homeopathy works on the principle of law of simplex that is prescribing a single remedy at a time for the good effects of medicine hence in case of childrens the homeopathic medicines will be proved more beneficial. Homeopathy medicines will also helpful in improving appetite of children and will also help in gaining weight for the underweight childrens.

After taking homeopathic treatment the frequent episodes of tonsillitis reduces. During the attack of tonsillitis you may feel reduction in the intensity and severity of the pain.

Duration of homeopathic treatment

The time period of treatment depends on the duration of which the patient is suffering from the infection.

Most probably within about 6 months the improvement in health is observed of the person who is suffering from tonsillitis.


The tonsillitis is oftenly caused by virus and sometimes by bacteria.

The commonest bacteria causing tonsillitis is streptococcus pyogen.

Other causes are

Common cold


The virus can also cause tonsillitis such viruses are:


Epstein- Barr virus

Hepatitis A


Allergens, environmental factors and overcrowded areas can also cause tonsillitis

Young childrens and exposure to germs in day to day life are more prone to be affected by tonsillitis.

Conventional treatment



Pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen


Homeopathic medicines for tonsillitis are :

  • Calcarea carbonicum
  • Mercuric solubilis
  • Hepar sulphuricum
  • Belladonna
  • Lachesis
  • Tuberculinum
  • Baryta carb
  • psorinum